The Music of the emotion

Two complete and eclectic musicians. Thanks to their interpretive skills, are able to engage the public in charming atmospheres , exciting and joyful. Their wide repertoire and their experience, give oneness to the evenings and events in which they perform in their performances. Composers and authors of the literary part, writing songs and collaborating with various artists, more 'than 90 tracks in the edition in which they express their creativity. In their executions is visible, and appealing, the passion that naturally they live for music.

  • Concerts - Events - Convention
  • Piano-Bar
  • Hotels Entertainment
  • weddings
  • birthdays
  • Dancing

Wherever is required to turn on the music unforgettable moments of life!

Choose the kind of music for your party!

Through experience, and a vast repertoire, the duo Billet meets all requests of music.
The evenings you can play the theme:

The evenings you may carry out the theme:





A mix of these kind of music and the ability to seize the moment and to adapt its execution according to the situation and requirements,

make it more special every moment of the party!

Hear and Download our CD

Our tracks ... history, videos and photos

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 Scuola di Musica 

Pianoforte -  Chitarra     Voce solista & voce corale

Intrattenimento Eventi : Party privati

Feste comunali di piazza

Pro loco- Sagre  

Feste Aziendali.

Tutti generi musicali live

D.J. Karaoke & richieste


Barbara Billet

Barbara Billet :Cantante, Pianista.

Paolo Frigerio

Paolo Frigerio: Compositore  Autore di parte letteraria  Chitarre, Sassofono,Pianoforte, Armonica.

Stampa | Mappa del sito
© Duo Billet - web site programmato da Paolo Frigerio S.I.A.E. n.86351